Error Message:
Can't open config file /kunden/homepages/1/d560311253/htdocs/teams/cgi-bin/SField129.cfg.

Debugging Info
File and Directory Locations:
  • Base Directory ($base_dir):
  • Template Directory ($template_dir):
  • Calendar Events File ($calendar_file):
  • Current Calendar Template ($calendar_html):
  • Current View Day Template ($viewday_html):

File Permissions
Any potential problems caused by file permissions or locations will be listed here.
  • The base directory does not exist
  • The calendar events file does not exist
  • The calendar events file is not world-writeable (chmod 777)
  • The Template directory does not exist
  • The calendar template file does not exist
  • The calendar template file is not world-writeable (chmod 777)
  • The view day template file does not exist
  • The view day template file is not world-writeable (chmod 777)

Online Documentation