Jackson Fury Soccer Club

Goal Safety Policy

It is the intention of the Board of Trustees of the Jackson Fury Soccer Club that goal safety be a priority. Therefore, the following policy is adopted.

  1. Jackson Fury Soccer Club requires for all programs and every activity:
    1. The coach or team manager for each game or training to make a physical inspection of each goal prior to the activity to assure that the goals are securely anchored in accordance with CPSC guidelines.
    2. The coach or team manager for the last game or training of the day will make sure that any portable goals are safely stored in accordance with the attached CPSC guidelines/manufacturer’s guidelines.
    3. That all parents and guardians are told of the dangers of unsecured goals and the parents’ responsibility to keep kids away from goals, and to secure goals if necessary.
    4. Jackson Fury Soccer Club Trustees will conduct random site surveys.
  2. Team Managers will remind their players, and discuss with the team’s parents, the necessity of players and siblings not playing, climbing or moving soccer goals. It is deemed appropriate that players violating this rule may, at the team manager’s discretion, sit out a half a game or entire game. Players consistently violating the rule will be subject to a disciplinary hearing of the Board of Trustees.
  3. For non club/league owned fields and/or goals, it is important to remind the owners of the fields and/or goals of safety requirements. This is in addition to the checking of goals as listed above.
  4. The Board of Trustees will make random surveys to certify compliance with this policy.
  5. The President will certify, as necessary, to appropriate leagues and soccer organizations that a policy is in place and enforced.

Jackson Fury • P.O. Box 1246 • Massillon, Ohio 44648-1246
Copyright © 2015-2025 Jackson Fury Soccer Club